Tuesday, 18 January 2011

Mise en scene.

My role within our group is to focus on the mise-en-scene in our opening title sequence. I did some research on the typical mise on scene you may see in a film noir, and constrasted it with how we will have ours.

A lighting scheme that employs very little fill light, creating strong contrasts between the brightest and darkest parts of an image and often creating strong shadows that obscure parts of the principal subjects. This lighting scheme is often associated with "hard-boiled" or suspense genres such as film noir. We will stick to the main idea of light focusing on the characters and creating a dark atmosphere around them. We will create contrast, and use bright lights.

Usually film noir scenes are filmed at a location which is old fashioned looking and where shadows and lighting variations usually exist, like a long street with street lights. Elements like these will help make our film noir compelling. Cigarette smoke can be used to to add good effect, to add white to an otherwise dark scene. We have selected our chosen destination as a bridge over a river in a place called Riverside, which is local to us. It is mysterious yet conventional to fit where we need to film it.

After doing some research, I noticed that the femme fatal character in a film noir movie usually wears a somewhat revealing, sensual yet elegant dress, which is also vintagey looking. The men are often seen in a suit and a hat. Our femme fatal will be wearing a velvet dress, have curly hair and a bright red lipstick, and have a glamorous edge to her

We will be using cigarettes, poker cards, alcoholic beverages, etc.

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